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Congratulations Flowers to Galway Send your congratulations today, celebrate a graduation, promotion, new baby, new house, engagement or new job with our beautiful congratulations gifts delivery selection. Our Congratulations Flowers & Gifts make the occasion extra special.

Showing 1 to 12 of 22 items

Ladies Day

An incredibly gorgeous Aqua Pack Bouquet featuring pink Peonies,...



A simply gorgeous mix of pink Gerbera, orange Roses,...


Sold Out
Rio Rio

Misty Morning

A delicate soft shades Bouquet of Tulips, fragrant Freesia,...


Vibrant Bouquet

Our expert florists will personally create your Vibrant Bouquet...


Spring Bouquet

A fantastically bright and simply stunning spring flower Bouquet....


Pure Passion

Aqua pack hand-tied bouquet delivered in water for freshness....


Peridot Bouquet

Peridot - Green and white for sheer elegance shown...


Sweetness & Light

Pink and cream Roses, Gerbera and Freesias are the...


Sweetly Scented

A fantastically fragrant Aqua Pack gift bag Bouquet in...


Golden Sunshine Hand-tied

All the golds and yellows of Chrysanthemums, Lilies and...


Isobella Rose & Lily

This popular bouquet consists of a perfectly pink arrangement...


Spring Style

Delicately fragrant and stunning in design, this Aqua Pack...
